What is the difference between Stretching and Pandiculation?

Pandiculation and stretching are very different.  In today’s blog I am going to discuss the differences between the two and provide a very interesting video to show the science behind pandiculation and why it is a much more intelligent process to release and lengthen chronically tight muscles. When I teach pandiculation to clients, they look intrigued how such small intricate movements can have such a profound effect on muscles.  We live in an era where the expression “No pain, No gain” or [...]

The Technology Generation and Brain Development

The use of technology has mushroomed over the last 20 years.  The fantastic advancements in technology has enabled us to communicate with people globally and made areas of our life so convenient.  Thanks to technology you are able to stream the Total Somatics online programs (www.TotalSomatics.com) onto your computer and TV screens in the comfort of your own home. But in other areas of our life have we allowed ourselves to become reliant on technology to the point that it [...]

Can physical symptoms and habitual behavioural responses be due to repressed emotions?

I am sure you have experienced stress and anxiety over the years and noticed a link between your emotions and the physiological effects on you.  This is not a coincidence.  In today’s blog I am going to discuss why symptoms and behavioural responses can be due to repressed emotions. Many doctors will tell you that over their years in clinical practice they notice many patients exhibiting physical problems due to repressed emotions.   So how exactly would we define repressed emotions? [...]