“How can I improve my Walking?”

Hello! How are you? How is your week going? xx Thank you for your wonderful messages. It has been fantastic hearing how The Somatic Movement & Mindset podcast has been helping you to unpack how your subconscious is patterning muscle tension and tone. Keep your comments flowing my way! I love hearing from you. xx Special event happening soon! Stay connected to The Somatic Movement & Mindset podcast because I will be announcing within the episodes a [...]

How can I reverse my Stooped Posture?

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a brilliant week. It has been wonderful hearing from so many of you that have enjoyed the audios and workshops within The Total Somatics Online Shop (CLICK HERE to visit the ONLINE SHOP). Imagine how much more benefit you will feel if you joined the Total Somatics Membership. CLICK HERE to register your details and the next time I open the Total Somatics doors, you will be [...]

Does Stretching release Muscle Tension?

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a lovely week. xx It has been wonderful welcoming people into the Total Somatics membership. At the weekend, the Total Somatics members received lots of new releases into the membership, so it was great to hear how it has been benefitting people already. If you missed registration this time round, no worries at all, stay connected and CLICK HERE to register and join the WAIT LIST for the next [...]

“Why do I feel pain during or after Somatic Movement?”

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a wonderful weekend! My blog is earlier than usual this week because the Total Somatics membership doors are OFFICIALLY OPEN! Registration is open until 11.59pm Pacific Time FRIDAY 10th MARCH 2023. CLICK HERE to register CLICK HERE to register CLICK HERE to register The Total Somatics Membership is a comprehensive and supportive membership that will help you gain deeper awareness to your movements, habits, postures, mindset and health. I create workshops [...]

Addressing Lower Back Pain & A Protruding Belly

Hello! How are you? I have just enjoyed a few really interesting study days in Sydney with Dr Bessel Van Der Kolk. He was delving into Trauma, Attachment and Neuroscience. I will be sharing lots with The Total Somatics members, so please look out for more within the Total Somatics Membership. The Total Somatics Membership -doors open soon! If you have been wondering when The Total Somatics membership doors will open again, STAY CONNECTED, VERY SOON I will be making [...]