Are You Ready?

Hello! How are you? xx I cannot believe we are at the end of August! That means one thing within the world of Total Somatics.....SOMATIC IN SEPTEMBER! Every year, for many years, I have held Somatic in September. Obviously, everything I will be sharing over the next few weeks is applicable all year round. However, it is good to have a month dedicated to self assessment and recalibration. I will be attaching a FREE [...]

Pandiculation & Clinical Somatic Movement with Total Somatics

Hello! How are you? I hope you are well. Thank you for all your lovely messages and emails. I love hearing from you. Please keep them flowing my way! xx Recently, I have been having some interesting conversations with people regarding stress, mindset, somatics and wellbeing. In a world where stress and physical discomfort are increasingly common, finding ways to manage and improve your wellbeing is essential. Clinical Somatic Movement, combined with a mindful [...]

Be The Circuit Breaker For Intergenerational Health Issues

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a great week. xx Thank you for all your questions and queries. Please continue to send them to me via email at You questions will help me to frame and deliver a FREE ONLINE event in the very near future. The Total Somatics Online Membership Very soon, I will be opening the doors to The Total Somatics Online membership. If you would like to learn Clinical Somatic Movement, Mindset & Mindfulness, CLICK [...]

What is Clinical Somatic Movement? What is it not?

Hello! How are you? xx I hope your week is running smoothly. Thank you for all your messages and questions. It has been wonderful connecting with so many of you. One of the interesting conversations and topics that continues to be discussed since my podcast with Dr Sarah Wilson ND a few weeks ago, is defining Clinical Somatic Movement. The word 'Somatic' is being used a lot nowadays because it is a key [...]