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Mindful in May – Week 1
Wow! I can’t believe we are in to May already! It means only one thing! That’s correct, Total Somatics [...]
How Somatics can help Anxiety
On Thursday 10th October 2019 it is World Mental Health Day. As an advocate for mental health awareness, I [...]
How Stress impacts on your Mind and Body. How Somatics can help.
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The Importance of Mindfulness
Hello! How are you? xx I hope your week is going well. Not long until we can connect [...]
How Somatics can help with Scoliosis & Back Pain
Would you like to know how to reduce your back pain? Do you feel you are in a constant [...]
Depression & Anxiety – Understanding The Two States
Hello! How has your week been so far? I hope it is going well. xx Thank you so much [...]
Somatics: Brain training to reduce stress, anxiety, pain and move freely
From studying Thomas Hanna’s work we are able to gain a deeper level of understanding around the amazing yet [...]
How do you react to stress?
Hello and welcome to week 1 of Mindful in May. To get started, please watch my short video below to [...]