The Importance of Micro Movements

Hello! How are you? I hope your week is going well! xx Thank you for all your lovely messages and emails. I absolutely love hearing from you, it is wonderful to be connected with such a gorgeous community of like minded individuals globally. xx I have exciting news! If you have been waiting for The Total Somatics Membership doors to open, I will be opening them VERY SOON! Please stay connected because the membership doors only [...]

The Power of Visualisation for a Calmer Mind

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a lovely week. This month is certainly racing by! xx Thank you for all your wonderful comments regarding my latest digital course, "Release Shoulder, Neck & Rib Rigidity with Clinical Somatic Movement." It has been great to hear how it is already transforming peoples' health and wellbeing. I have also had many questions about enrolment for the Total Somatics Online Membership. I will be opening the membership [...]

Walking Meditation for a Calming Mind

Hello! I hope you are well. xx I am working in Sydney this week. I'm based in the beachside beautiful suburb of Manly. So in between work, I am walking along the stunning coastline. It has been really nice hiring a bike to one of the outside swimming pools, overlooking the ocean and enjoying the gorgeous scenery. My week in Sydney ties in beautifully with my latest podcast episode. Before I share my podcast for this week with [...]

The Importance of Calming Our Mind

Hello! xx How are you?  I hope this week is going well for you. xx Thank you for all your wonderful comments and feedback about my latest release, Release Shoulder, Neck & Rib Rigidity with Clinical Somatic Movement.  I have been blown away by your beautiful comments.  It is wonderful to be part of a kind, supportive and loving community.  Thank you for sharing some very vulnerable comments too.  As you know, I deeply respect you all and anything you say, [...]

Release Shoulder, Neck & Rib Rigidity with Clinical Somatic Movement

Hello! xx How are you? I hope you are well. Thank you, if you joined me and the wonderful panel of experts LIVE for The Menopause Summit. If you watched the REPLAY, I hope you could feel the love from us all! xx Thank you for all your wonderful messages and emails. It has been great hearing from so many of you. I really appreciate your emails and messages. xx I am really excited [...]