How do you react to stress?

Hello and welcome to week 1 of Mindful in May. To get started, please watch my short video below to find out more? During this week, could you make a note of how you react to stress? Also could you make a note of how you feel inside when you are stressed? Do you feel you operate on nervous energy or high functioning anxiety drives you? Do you feel exhausted and as if you want to curl up [...]

Improve your productivity with Total Somatics

Hello, how are you? I hope you have had a a fantastic week. There are lots of exciting things to share with you today, so let's go started! Do you ever feel that life can become overwhelming and we can start living on nervous energy, leading to high functioning anxiety? Do you find a link between your emotional health and energetic levels? Do you find that to push down any emotional concerns or worries, you begin [...]

Creating Total Somatic awareness throughout your day for better health

Hello! I hope you have had a brilliant week and are enjoying my weekly podcasts. xx In this week's podcast I discuss how important it is to create a daily Total Somatic awareness to your activities and pursuits. The reason for this is because many of the actions we perform throughout the day are unconscious or subconscious. It is these things that over time, create a cumulative effect on our health and wellbeing. This cumulative effect [...]

How to improve back pain & movement

Hello! How are you? These weekly blogs come round very quickly! I would like to say thank you to many of you that have contacted me this week, it is so encouraging to see photos and hear wonderful reports of how Total Somatics is creating huge shifts, changes and transformations in your life. Always remember, your amazing mind and body has such intelligence and capacity to heal, improve, always aiming for a state of balance. [...]

How to reduce Stress, Pain & inflammation

Hello, how has your week been? I hope you are all keeping well xxWhere is the time going? April has already arrived! That also means one thing!! We are only a month away from the special events I will be holding in May. During these events, I will be teaching you how to:* Reduce pain* Improve posture* Increase mobility* Address & reverse recurring injuries & pain* Develop an awareness to habits, postures & behaviours that [...]