Look after your brain & it will take care of you

In this week’s blog we are going to consider our absolutely amazing brain.  We will consider how we can truly take care of it, so it can look after us. We will also consider how Somatics can help towards taking care of ourselves from the inside out. Daily demands As we have learned in the last two weeks with my previous blogs, we are creatures of habit and most of our activities highlight how much we operate unconsciously.  This is [...]

How to deal with neck, back & shoulder pain

Neck, shoulder and back pain are the daily issues I see in my clinic and the main reason people join the Total Somatics Approach to Health & Wellness Online Program at www.TotalSomatics.com. In today’s blog we are going to consider these common complaints and see how Somatics can help identify and address recurring pain. Global pain According to practical pain management (https://www.practicalpainmanagement.com/patient/conditions/low-back-pain/about-back-spine-neck-shoulder-pain-statistics), it is estimated that up to 80% of the US population will experience back pain at some point in their lives. The [...]

How to Change Habits

Since my last blog I have been in Tasmania.  I was holding a workshop in Launceston, however my husband and I managed to have a few days to explore the beautiful state.  One thing I noticed (as my Somatics mindset is always active) is people’s habits.  From the airport to the cafes and museums, people were exhibiting commonly seen habits.  In today’s blog we will consider habits and how developing a somatic mindset can help improve how we operate [...]

Does Strengthening Your Core & Stretching Really Ease Back Pain?

For many years it has been a common belief that strengthening the core muscles and stretching helps to ease back pain. In today’s blog we are going to consider this and see if old beliefs are still relevant or if the recent scientific research is highlighting something very different. Creatures of habit If you are a regular reader of my blogs you will know I often refer to actions of the human race as “creatures of habit.” We all have our [...]

How Somatics can help Anxiety

On Thursday 10th October 2019 it is World Mental Health Day. As an advocate for mental health awareness, I feel it is good to have a day to raise awareness and remove any misconceptions. So in today’s blog we are going to consider Mental Health and look at ways we can use Total Somatics to help alleviate certain symptoms. Mental Health Did you know that in 2017, globally it was estimated that 970 million people had a mental or substance use [...]