Muscle Pain, Tension & Tightness – What can we do to Remedy the Issue?

With advances in technology, we have become skilled with modern scientific and medical discoveries. We are able to video conference people from the other side of the world at the click of a button. However we are a world becoming reliant on pain relief for the mushrooming incidences of musculoskeletal problems. What has happened? What can we do? Empower, Enhance and Educate The following statement by Benjamin Franklin is so true, “An Investment in Knowledge pays the best interest.” When we invest in [...]

Does Stretching Really Work?

In last week’s blog I encouraged readers to replace old, outdated beliefs on stretching for educated ones. As you can imagine, it created quite a stir! Many individuals agreed because they have researched the topic themselves. However others informed me that their health care practitioner advises them to stretch. Today we are going to look at the science and medical studies behind stretching. The amazing point about medicine, science and the human body is that we are always learning. As [...]

How to Get the Best Out of Somatics & Reduce Pain

Over the years, I have received emails from people around the world asking how Somatics can help them. I also get people who find their muscles cramp and spasm with certain day to day movements. In this week’s blog I discuss how to get the best out of Somatics, reduce pain and work mindfully. I explain how we can avoid movements triggering muscle cramps and spasms. Replacing Old, Outdated Beliefs for Educated Ones Over the years the expression “No Pain, No [...]

The Power of Somatics with Stress, Anxiety & Pain Relief

During the last week I have had a lot of emails regarding my recent blogs discussing emotion and back pain. The questions and queries have come from people who suffer with anxiety, stress and depression. Also many partners of depressed/anxious loved ones have reached out to me. The common thread with their questions links back to muscular pain and tightness associated with dis-empowering beliefs and overwhelming feelings. In today’s blog I am going to discuss with you how Somatics is [...]

Reducing Tension & Pain with Somatics

Have you ever felt so anxious, overwhelmed or annoyed that after the event you feel completely exhausted and your body feels like it has been through an ordeal with specific symptoms? In today’s blog we are going to look at how stress can create disharmony for our mind and body. We will also look at why Somatics is growing in popularity as an effective Mind and Body tool to reduce tension and pain. Feeling the pressure In modern day society we hear [...]