Digestive Health and Somatics

“All disease begins in the gut.” Hippocrates (460-370BC). The statement made by Hippocrates all those years ago is now being proven true by scientists today. As science and research continues in this fascinating area of health, it is being widely recognised that gut bacteria and its actions is an influential determinant of homeostasis (state of balance). The growing understanding of the influence of bacteria in the gut is becoming one of the biggest breakthroughs in modern medicine. The action and behaviour [...]


Willpower…does it really work? We are into the second month of the year. It’s that time of the year again where we create new goals and resolutions. Some may have found they have succumbed to their old habits. What do they feel they lack in this area? Many would say WILLPOWER. But what is WILLPOWER? According to successconsciousness.com, Willpower is the inner strength that enables you to make decisions and carry them out. It gives you the strength to take action [...]

Health & Nutrition

The World Health Organisation recently revealed that food products such as bacon and preserved meats have “highly carcinogenic or cancer causing properties.” They have classed them in the same category as cigarette smoking. As we are interested in educating ourselves to live a more somatic or holistic lifestyle, this blog is asking the question, What causes these foods to be so detrimental to our health? The answer is that they produce FREE RADICAL ACTIVITY AND DAMAGE. Some authors use the analogy of “sparks” as [...]


How is your posture?   We all exhibit stress reflexes in our posture and they are triggers for chronic pain. Total Somatics incorporates mindfulness techniques into the movement sequences. The name Soma comes from the Greek word meaning the body, which is inclusive of the soul, mind and psyche. Total Somatics deals with the Soma or body and mind. The nature of our soma is to move from the centre to our periphery or extremities. Take a look in the mirror [...]

Neuroscience behind Mindfulness practice

The mindfulness sessions are having a profound effect on your neurological health. MRI scans show that after just 8 weeks of mindfulness practice, the area of the brain linked to the “fight or flight” response appears to shrink. This part of the brain is called the amygdala. It is an old part of the brain which links primitive responses to external events. It is involved with initiating the body’s response to stress. As the amygdala begins to shrink, the higher [...]