Total Somatics Health Review: How are you feeling?

Where has the year gone?  Can you also believe that we are at the end of another decade too?  It seems like only yesterday people were stressed about the millennium bug!  The end of the year brings with it the chance to review what we have accomplished and what we would like to implement within the new year.  With that in mind, in today’s blog I would like to encourage you to consider your current health and wellbeing goals [...]

Is it Good to Stretch?

For many years people thought stretching was the solution for tight, tense muscles.  However the tide is turning and researchers are now starting to realise that it actually creates more problems and injuries.  In today’s blog we will consider why stretching is being considered an outdated technique. Injuries caused by Stretching For many years we heard ‘experts’ say to stretch before exercise.  Then a few years ago the advice changed from stretching before exercise to slowing warming muscles through gentle movement.  [...]

Somatics for Office Workers

Recently I was approached by the CEO of an online business called Bar Opener.  He asked me if Somatics could be useful for office workers and people who spend large amounts of time working within the world of ecommerce.  For all business owners, they are looking for ways to improve the health and wellbeing of their staff. In today’s blog I am going to discuss how Somatics can be very helpful for Office workers. Sedentary Society In the last few decades we [...]

The Benefits of Somatic Movement

If you are a regular reader of my blogs and also a member of The Total Somatics online program , you will know that I often refer to movement as medicine.  In this week’s blog we will discover the benefits of somatic movement and why it is so important to include it into your daily activities. Movement and Mood Many people recognise that our emotional health can influence our movement, however, many may not realise that movement can also have a [...]

The Power of Touch

In a society where we are becoming more focused on technology and having virtual conversations, it has resulted in the powerful and beneficial effects of touch becoming affected.  As we become better connected with technology, we are becoming less connected physically which is leading to the epidemic of loneliness. In today’s blog we are going to discover the power of touch and how important it is for our somatic health and wellbeing. The Power of Touch When was the last time you [...]