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How to reduce pain and improve mobility with Somatics
In today’s blog I have included a short 1 minute video to explain why we may develop a slumped [...]
Can Total Somatics help with Tight Hip Flexors?
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Learn How To Release Muscle Tension & Reduce Stress
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The Self Management of Chronic Pain
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Somatics, brain plasticity and visualisation
Today’s blog will consider how we can use neuroplasticity to work in harmony with our somatic movements and visualisation. If [...]
The Impact of Fear & Feedback on your Mind & Body
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The Benefits of Somatic Movement
If you are a regular reader of my blogs and also a member of The Total Somatics online program [...]
Neuromuscular Science and Somatics
Somatics deals with correcting functional issues. We look at breaking habitual, fixed motor patterns which are stored in the [...]
The art of listening to your body: Pandiculation
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