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BONUS WEEK: Grit, Self Compassion & Total Somatics
Hello, how are you? I hope you are keeping well and have had a good week. This week I [...]
Total Somatics International: Menopause Summit
Hello! I am sending an extra special blog to you this week! I wanted to share a special event [...]
How to Live in the Moment with Somatics
Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a brilliant week! As you know, I create weekly [...]
Maintaining a Healthy Brain with Clinical Somatic Movement
Hello! How is your week going? I hope you are keep well. xx Next weekend is our annual Menopause [...]
The Power of Visualisation with Total Somatics
Hello! How are you? If you joined me during the month of September for the theme 'Release [...]
Can physical symptoms and habitual behavioural responses be due to repressed emotions?
I am sure you have experienced stress and anxiety over the years and noticed a link between your emotions [...]
Can your emotions shape who you are?
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The issues with working from home!
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The Vicious cycle of back pain and limited range of movement
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Do you REACT or RESPOND to stressful situations?
SOMATIC IN SEPTEMBER WEEK 4 Do you REACT or RESPOND to stressful situations? We know from the Total Somatics online programs at [...]