Pandiculation & Clinical Somatic Movement with Total Somatics

Hello! How are you? I hope you are well. Thank you for all your lovely messages and emails. I love hearing from you. Please keep them flowing my way! xx

Recently, I have been having some interesting conversations with people regarding stress, mindset, somatics and wellbeing. In a world where stress and physical discomfort are increasingly common, finding ways to manage and improve your wellbeing is essential. Clinical Somatic Movement, combined with a mindful approach to both mind and body, offers an effective pathway to better health. This integrative approach is at the heart of Total Somatic education, which provides practical tools for improving physical and mental wellbeing through regular practice.

The Benefits of Total Somatic Education

Total Somatic education blends Clinical Somatic Movement with principles of Mindfulness and Mindset, offering a holistic approach to personal wellbeing. Regular engagement with these practices can bring about:

  • Pain Reduction: Through gentle, mindful somatic movements, you can ease chronic tension, alleviating pain and discomfort.
  • Increased Mobility: By focusing on how your body moves, you can enhance flexibility and regain a natural range of motion.
  • Better Posture: Total Somatic education encourages body awareness, helping you develop and maintain better posture targeting at a brain level.
  • Mindset Shifts: Integrating Total Somatic mindfulness into daily life can foster a more positive, resilient outlook.
  • Enhanced Mindfulness: Being present in your body and mind allows for a deeper connection with yourself, supporting overall wellbeing.

A Trusted Guide in Clinical Somatic Movement

I have a solid foundation in health and clinical somatics. I have been in private practice since 2001. My work is informed by years of experience with ongoing study and further qualifications, ensuring that the techniques I share are both effective, up to date and grounded in a deep understanding of the body-mind connection.

Some key points about my background include:

  • Extensive Experience: With over two decades in private practice, I have developed a profound understanding of how Clinical Somatic Movement and education can benefit individuals.
  • Global Reach: The Total Somatics online membership now supports people in over 37 countries, providing access to educational resources that help individuals enhance their wellbeing.
  • Educational Depth: Through my podcast and other offerings, I provide insights and practices that can be easily integrated into daily life, making Clinical Somatic Movement and Education accessible to everyone. Within the Total Somatics membership, I delve even deeper in to subjects and clinical somatic movement.

A Growing Global Community

The Total Somatics online membership has grown into a vibrant community of individuals from over 37 countries, all working towards better health through Clinical Somatic Movement practices. The membership offers a space to explore these concepts more deeply, with access to ongoing educational content, a supportive community and my attention to your needs.

Continue Learning with the Total Somatics

To delve deeper into Clinical Somatic Movement, I open the Total Somatics Membership doors periodically. I will be opening the Total Somatics membership doors very soon, so please look out for my announcement. If you are subscribed to my blogs, you will be sent an email when I open the doors.


For those looking to deepen or refresh their understanding of clinical somatic movement, mindset, and mindfulness, the 'Somatic Movement & Mindset' podcast offers valuable insights. My podcast can be found on all podcast platforms.

The following podcast episodes (within the Total Somatics YouTube channel) serve as a resource for anyone interested in enhancing their knowledge and practice of Clinical Somatic Movement & Education.

Below are a few episodes that explore these key concepts:

The Process of Pandiculation

How to Heal a Dysregulated Nervous System

The Importance of Micro Movements

Pandiculation, Stretching & Your Nervous System

Release Belly Tension Before Full Somatic Movement

Total Somatic Education

Total Somatic education offers a thoughtful, integrated approach to health that addresses your body and mind. Whether you are just beginning your journey or looking to deepen your practice, the resources I provide and the Total Somatics community can support your ongoing wellbeing.

There are many ways we can stay connected, please keep in touch, so I can serve you wherever you are at with your health and wellbeing. Here are a few places we can stay connected:


Enjoy my podcasts and please let me know what resonated with you and your take away points. xx

Have a wonderful week. xx
All my love & very best wishes.
Take care,
Heidi Hadley xx

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