The Importance Of Creating A Flexible Nervous System

Hello! How are you? How has your week been so far? I hope everything is running smoothly for you. xx Thank you so much for your wonderful comments and feedback regarding my podcasts. I am so pleased to hear from so many of you, and how various episodes resonate with you, and are needed at just the right time. It has been great to hear from many of you that have started watching the podcast episodes on [...]

How To Heal A Dysregulated Nervous System

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a lovely week. Thank you so much for all your lovely comments regarding the first of many podcast episodes in which I have taken extracts from Mindful in May 2023. Many of you have said you were disappointed you didn't know about Mindful in May 2023 because you have only recently discovered Total Somatics. I would like to reassure you that if you are subscribed to my [...]

Understanding Your Emotional Patterns & Somatic Imprints

Hello! How is your week going? I hope you are well. xx It has been lovely welcoming new people into the Total Somatics membership. As one new member has already expressed her gratitude and said "Wow! The membership is packed with so many resources, its incredibly good value for what we receive. Also having you to guide us and the monthly LIVE sessions. I am overjoyed to be in the membership. Thank you!" If you [...]

Learn How to Discharge Suppressed Emotions

Hello! How are you? How is your week going? xx We are currently in the middle of Mindful in May 2023. There have been amazing comments and feedback from the first two FREE ONLINE workshops. If you haven't register yet, there's still time! Towards the end of this week, I will email out the REPLAY links and LIVE link for workshop 3. So please look out for that! Here are the titles of the workshops I have covered so far: TO REGISTER FOR THE FREE [...]

The Reason for One Sided Tension & Pain in your Body

Hello! Only a few days to go until we connect online! I am really looking forward to sharing Total Somatic Movement, Mindset & Mindfulness with you! Every weekend in May I will be holding a LIVE workshop on Zoom. If you are unable to watch LIVE, a REPLAY link will be sent to you. To receive the Zoom LIVE & REPLAY links each week in May, CLICK HERE To find out more about Mindful in May 2023, enjoy the [...]