How your emotions shape your body & physiology

I am sure you are aware with the way world events have shifted this year that your emotions create a huge impact on your body, mind and physiology.  If you are a regular reader of my blogs, a listener to my podcasts or a member with the Total Somatics online program , you are very well aware that our soma (entire mind, body and spirit) are intertwined. In this week’s podcast episode, I discuss what is happening within your nervous [...]

Developing Mindfulness in your Somatics Practice

In today’s blog we are going to delve into a particular area of our somatic movement practice and understand the benefits of it. When I chat with clients I love to hear how their somatic practice is progressing. I often hear wonderful comments, highlighting how they’ve embraced this amazing movement practice to reduce their pain, improve their posture, increase their mobility and enhance their mindfulness skills. From time to time I hear clients say that they are very brief with [...]

Are you in tune with your Mind & Body?

Over the years many people develop injuries, undergo surgeries and encounter stress and health diagnoses which contribute towards added pressure and trauma to their SOMA or whole person. In today’s blog I am going to discuss how we can overcome this issue and I have provided a 45 minute detailed soma scan with arch and flatten to increase awareness to how your soma is moving, sensing and feeling. Family Dynamics Firstly I am going to discuss family dynamics. If you find [...]