Release Rigidity & Stress in your Body

Hello! How is your week going? Thank you for your lovely comments and feedback, it has been wonderful hearing from so many of you. I am really looking forward to connecting with you online in May. Mindful in May 2023 is fast approaching and is a very popular annual event I hold. It allows us all to recalibrate, so we can embrace the rest of 2023. It is a great opportunity to identify [...]

Stop and smell the roses!

In line with this week’s Total Somatics’ Facebook video series ‘Mindful in May’ we are going to discuss how we can slow down and enjoy life; becoming mindful and savouring our surroundings. Your mind is absolutely amazing because it consists of conscious and unconscious mental activities and processes.  You can reason, think, understand, judge, analyse, empathise, sympathise and imagine/visualise.  We all have willpower (although that often needs working on!!), we can create intention, make choices and decide on an action. [...]