Somatic in September WEEK ONE

Total Somatics created the theme “Somatic in September” a few years ago. As we have already arrived in September (where has this year gone?!) we will continue this theme and consider different areas we can be somatic over the next few weeks. Check out my short video below and allow me to elaborate on this video afterwards….. WEEK ONE - STOP & RECONNECT As I created this theme, I thought of how busy yet productive my year has been. How has your [...]

Creating Healthy Habits for Good Physical & Mental Health

In today’s blog we are going to discover how creating healthy habits is imperative for good physical and mental health. The Close Link between Physical & Mental Health The Total Somatics Approach to Health & Wellness Online Program ( looks at mindset, mindfulness, somatic movement and nutrition in great detail. The knowledge you gain within the program heightens your awareness to how your mind and body are closely connected, you cannot deal with one exclusively. I am sure you have experienced [...]

The Importance of Belly Breathing for Stress & Pain Reduction

In this week’s blog I am going to discuss the strong link between stress, pain and belly breathing. You will learn how stress occurs within our mind and body, how this translates to pain and why belly breathing is an important approach to reversing many stress and pain related issues. Stress Stress certainly doesn’t need much of an introduction. We have all endured various levels of stress in our life and we can guarantee it will occur again. But is it [...]

How Somatic Rib Release techniques can help with Back Pain

The combination of stress, a sedentary lifestyle and being easily available via social media, email and text messaging has created a low to medium level of pressure for people globally. In today’s blog we are going to consider an area of the body which is impacted by these factors and is often forgotten, yet it holds a great deal of tension and contributes towards headaches, neck, shoulder and back pain. The Ribs Your rib cage is an amazing part of your [...]

Mindful In May – Week 3 – Somatic Breathing

Develop Somatic Breathing In this week’s blog we will continue the Theme of ‘Mindful in May’ and look at different areas in our life and consider ways to develop The Total Somatics Approach to Mindfulness. Check out my video below.  After the video, Please allow me to develop the subject further.     To support you through Week 3 of Mindful In May, download the FREE support material by clicking HERE. Breathing Somatically Breathing is an action which happens automatically throughout our life.  It can however [...]