Creating a Healthy Somatic Mindset during Stressful Times

In last week’s blog I provided practical tools to help you through challenging times. In this week’s blog we are going to look at how we can create somatic mindfulness during stressful times. Modern day challenges We are fortunate to live at a time where labour saving devices have made life very convenient. We are also able to talk to people from the other side of the world with modern technology. However we have also developed a greater sense or urgency [...]

Do You REALLY have control of your health, well being and life?

We live in a very busy world and with the increase number of people suffering with anxiety, digestive disorders, Chronic fatigue syndrome and Inflammatory conditions, it is good to ask ourselves, are we in control of our life or is our life controlling us? I am sure you would agree that modern technology has been a great tool to make communication, education, research and development much more accessible to the average person.  We could also state that with supermarkets and [...]

Why developing a positive mindset is crucial for your Health & Well being

In today’s blog we are going to consider why our thoughts have an effect for the good or detriment of our health and well being. As somebody who has an interest in creating a healthier life and mindset, you will know that within the field of Somatics, we know that our mind and what we think, do and say will have a direct effect on our body. We also know whatever happens in or to our body, it has [...]

How to Increase Productivity with The Total Somatics Approach to Health and Well Being.

Well we are here! 2018 has arrived! We are all refreshed and focused for an very exciting year ahead. We can have so many good intentions and get carried away without any real structure or plan. In today’s blog we are going to consider areas of our life which may need adjusting in order to live and maintain The Total Somatics Approach to Health and Well being. Can you recall a time when you felt over tired? Life seemed to [...]