The Importance of Community, Mindset & Intention

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a good month, the end of the year is fast approaching! Where has this year gone?! As we approach the end of each year and begin a new one, we often review what we have achieved and also what we feel we need to improve on. This is why I felt it was so apt to bring Bron Hadley, Total Somatics' recent guest speaker in our membership [...]

Shifting Willpower for Intention

We’ve heard many times that WILLPOWER is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets; but you can tire it out.  How can we harness it without tiring it out?  Health Psychologist and author of Maximum Willpower: How to master the new science of self-control, Kelly McGonigal has identified how we can harness it.  Kelly claims, “Harnessing the three powers of I will, I won’t and I want” in order to help us achieve our [...]