The Benefits of Somatic Movement

If you are a regular reader of my blogs and also a member of The Total Somatics online program , you will know that I often refer to movement as medicine. In this week’s blog we will discover the benefits of somatic movement and why it is so important to include it into your daily activities. Movement and Mood Many people recognise that our emotional health can influence our movement, however, many may not realise that movement can also have a [...]

Somatic in September WEEK FOUR

Wow! Where have the weeks gone?! We are into our final week of the theme “Somatic in September.” How have you been during the last few weeks? This week I would like to add a new awareness to our theme. Let me explain more in the following video.   MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE If you are a regular follower of my blog posts on Instagram (total.somatics) or Facebook (Total Somatics) you will know that for many years I have used this expression, Movement [...]

Somatic in September WEEK TWO

Welcome to week 2 of Somatic in September! I hope you enjoyed bringing somatic awareness into your daily life by first and foremost focusing on creating a self care practise. Consider the following video as I discuss the theme for this week. THE POWER OF THOUGHT This week we are going to consider the power of your thoughts. Within your brain you have an area known as the Reticular Activating System (RAS). It acts as a filter which influences your perception on [...]

Mindful in May – Week 4

I hope you have had a good week. This week we are going to consider another aspect of Total Somatics' Mindful in May theme. Check out my video below as I discuss this week’s theme. Our mindset and self-talk play a huge role in the area of our Somatic (mental, emotional and physical) health and wellbeing. The way we view the world around us, interpret events, scenarios and interactions with people all comes down to our perception. We have two [...]

Creating Healthy Habits for Good Physical & Mental Health

In today’s blog we are going to discover how creating healthy habits is imperative for good physical and mental health. The Close Link between Physical & Mental Health The Total Somatics Approach to Health & Wellness Online Program ( looks at mindset, mindfulness, somatic movement and nutrition in great detail. The knowledge you gain within the program heightens your awareness to how your mind and body are closely connected, you cannot deal with one exclusively. I am sure you have experienced [...]