How Mindset plays a Pivotal Role in your Life

Hello, how have you been keeping during the last week?  With just over a week left for this year, one area of our life we have all had great experience with in 2020, is our mindset.  As we end this year and start 2021 with an awareness of what this coming year may have in store, it allows us to start focusing on our mindset.  When we consider the power of our mindset, we realise it is critical to [...]

How to be resilient during these challenging times

Hi everyone, how are you faring this week?  What a week it has been! As the days progress, many have commented that they don’t know what day of the week it is.  There is so much our mind and body are having to process at the moment, that it is easy to loose track of time.  However in today’s blog we will continue to use our prefrontal cortex which has been designed to enhance our emotional intelligence, focus, awareness, [...]

How to boost your Brain – part 3

In this week’s blog we will consider the final article of the 3 part series on how to boost your brain.  In the last few weeks we have considered various ways we can improve neurogenesis, the creation of new brain cells.  Today we will consider the most powerful way to increase neurogenesis and how easy it is to implement into your daily activities. Exercise Brisk walking, weight bearing exercise and aerobic exercise have all been shown to stimulate neurogenesis.  The reason [...]

Somatic in September WEEK FOUR

Wow! Where have the weeks gone?! We are into our final week of the theme “Somatic in September.” How have you been during the last few weeks? This week I would like to add a new awareness to our theme. Let me explain more in the following video.   MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE If you are a regular follower of my blog posts on Instagram (total.somatics) or Facebook (Total Somatics) you will know that for many years I have used this expression, Movement [...]

How Mindful Somatic Movement influences your Nervous System

I have received lovely emails and feedback recently from readers around the world about my blogs. They have loved hearing about the brain and how somatics supports various areas of their Central Nervous System. So today we are going to look at an area I have often referred to in previous blogs, The Limbic System. The Limbic system is the part of the brain involved with behavioural and emotional responses. It is involved with survival such as feeding, reproducing, caring [...]