Habits shape who you are

Hello! How are you? I hope you have enjoyed a new level of awareness with the task I encouraged you to considered in the first of three podcast episodes developing the theme, Somatic in September. If you haven't listened to Episode 70, How your emotions show up in your body, CLICK HERE. Human behaviour and habits As we have experienced since March 2020, human behaviour has changed. People have had to adapt to new work and school environments with [...]

How Total Somatics Transforms Lives – Part 2

Hello! How are you? Thank you so much for all your lovely comments and feedback since last week's episode. It has been so inspiring to see how people around the world have experienced the benefits of Total Somatics with the audio classes available within the ONLINE SHOP. Imagine, how you would feel with even more support within the Total Somatics membership! There will be an opportunity to join the Total Somatics membership for the [...]

The art of listening to your body: Pandiculation

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a great week and keeping well. It has been a brilliant week, connecting and answering many of your questions. Plus for members within The Total Somatics Membership, I announced within The Members' Private Facebook group a new feature coming to the membership very soon. If you are a member and at this point not within The Members' Private Facebook group, please email support@totalsomatics.com and we will invite [...]

Why stretching is an inefficient way to release tight muscles.

Hello, how has your week been? I hope you are keeping well and have been enjoying my podcasts. This week I will be delving into why stretching is becoming more and more an outdated method to efficiently release tight, tense muscles. Neuromuscular science has made huge leaps and bounds in recent years, thanks to the various methods to scientifically measure the efficacy of techniques and practices. Within this episode, I discuss the science behind the [...]

How to reduce muscle tension without stretching

Hello, how are you keeping? As many of you are aware from life experiences and also heightening your awareness with Total Somatics' blogs and podcasts, stress and worry can create large amounts of muscle tension. I am sure you have encountered times when your mind starts ruminating on concerns and worries and within a short amount of time you become aware you are holding your body tense and tight. Did you know that your brain controls the program [...]