Do you REALLY have control over your coordination and posture?

In previous blogs I have discussed how our internal awareness to the way we move and control our muscles can be very challenging. But why? Surely as intelligent adults we have full control of how we move our body. Unfortunately this is not the case! In today’s blog I am going to discuss what this awareness actually is, why we cannot control certain muscles and how we can REGAIN coordination and control areas of our body which have been [...]

How is your posture?

In this blog we are going to explore the subject of posture and biomechanics. Total Somatics has a weekly ‘Mindful in May’ video series on Facebook (which can also be found after May 2017 on the Total Somatics You Tube channel). This week the Total Somatics Facebook video discusses mindfulness with our posture and biomechanics. So let’s start by looking at our posture. The main part of our anatomy which influences our posture is the spinal column. When viewed from [...]


How is your posture?   We all exhibit stress reflexes in our posture and they are triggers for chronic pain. Total Somatics incorporates mindfulness techniques into the movement sequences. The name Soma comes from the Greek word meaning the body, which is inclusive of the soul, mind and psyche. Total Somatics deals with the Soma or body and mind. The nature of our soma is to move from the centre to our periphery or extremities. Take a look in the mirror [...]