Reconnect & Recalibrate with Somatics

Hello! How are you? xx September is here, which means one thing in Total Somatics.....Somatic in September! Every year in September, for many years, I have held this theme. It allows us to stop and re-evaluate how we are going and what we can do to recalibrate. At the end of September, I will be opening the Total Somatics ONLINE Membership doors. So if you would like to be notified closer to the date, CLICK HERE. TO WATCH the first [...]

Are You Ready?

Hello! How are you? xx I cannot believe we are at the end of August! That means one thing within the world of Total Somatics.....SOMATIC IN SEPTEMBER! Every year, for many years, I have held Somatic in September. Obviously, everything I will be sharing over the next few weeks is applicable all year round. However, it is good to have a month dedicated to self assessment and recalibration. I will be attaching a FREE [...]