Enjoy Pain-Free Motion By Rewiring Your Mind-Body Connection

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a restful time over the holidays! xx My husband and I visited beautiful Kangaroo Island for the first half of our summer (here in Australia!) holidays and welcomed my sister for the second half. We enjoyed day trips around beautiful Adelaide. My sister is doing well with her health after having a cardiac arrest on New Year's Eve 2023. So it was nice to spend time with [...]

Mindful in May – Week 3

I hope you are enjoying your mindful practise and have had a good week. This week we are going to add another level of mindfulness and somatic awareness to your daily activities. Check out my 1 minute video below and then let me explain more. Our breath rate is a reflection of our central nervous system. If we notice we have short shallow breathing (which is not due to pregnancy or health related issues), we can actively slow down the stress [...]

Week 3 – Somatic in September

Somatic Breathing and Pain Relief In this week’s blog we are going to consider the importance of breathing and how shallow breathing can create a host of problems which cause us pain. Check out my video for this week..... Somatic Awareness to Breathing In the last two weeks we have considered the influence that the lack of movement and our emotional state can have on our posture, pain level and mobility. Today I would like to reveal why releasing tension through your rib [...]