Managing our wellbeing & creating resilience during challenging times

As we approach the end of this year, we can certainly say it has been a year we won’t forget for many reasons.  However, as we move forward towards a new year, it allows us the opportunity to recalibrate, reset and move forward with education and skills that can support our emotional, mental and physical health. When we have the Total Somatic education on how and why we feel or behave a certain way, it allows us greater insight into [...]

How to create Somatic Mindfulness in an ever changing world

I am sure you would agree with me that 2020 has certainly been a year of mixed emotions and challenges. In some cases however, it has refined our behaviour, allowing us to realise what is important, creating changes within our personal and professional life. As we see the end of 2020 approaching, it allows us to assess our emotional, mental and physical health. One very important area is how to create a resilient and balanced approach to an ever changing [...]

Epigenetics – you are in the driving seat!

Hello, how are you?  I hope you are keeping well.  This week I would like to ask you, do you think you can change your genes?  Do you think your genetics and family history are “set in stone?”  In this week’s blog I would like to provide a podcast to explain how your genes are not your destiny!  The science of epigenetics has also made it clear that there are two mechanisms by which organisms pass on hereditary information, [...]