Reduce Pain, Improve Posture & Increase Mobility with a Somatic Lifestyle

In this week’s blog we are going to look at how we can educate and empower ourselves with knowledge to create a Somatic lifestyle and reduce pain. Somatic Lifestyle If you are a regular reader of my blogs you will know that I often refer to the expression, Somatic Lifestyle. What is it? Within The Total Somatics Approach to Health & Wellness Online Program at, I teach you how to fine tune various areas of your life. These areas include [...]

How to beat Back Pain

Do you suffer with back pain?  Do you find that activities are becoming a greater challenge because your muscles and joints won’t move as freely as they once did?  You’re not alone, it is estimated 540 million people around the world suffer with lower back pain.  This is a major health issue and according to The Lancet “most back pain sufferers are treated in the same manner that is not consistent with best practice treatment guidelines.”   Is there a [...]

Creating a Work/Life balance for your Physical, Emotional, Mental Health & Well being.

Do you find that there are times when the balance between life and work seems to go off track?  With the combination of stress and long hours at work, your muscles and joints feeling tight, ‘jammed’ and the pain that was once ‘niggly’ is now intense; all these factors can get too much to handle.  During these times you may have forgotten to take care of your health and well being, putting work first. Most people can relate to [...]

Week 5 – Mindful In May and beyond!

Developing a Daily Somatics Movement Practise In this week’s blog we will conclude the Theme of ‘Mindful in May’ and look at areas of our life and consider ways to develop The Total Somatics Approach to Health & Wellness. Check out my video below.  After the video, allow me to develop this subject further. To support you through the last day in May and on into the future, download the FREE support material by clicking HERE. The Importance of developing a daily somatics [...]

Do You REALLY have control of your health, well being and life?

We live in a very busy world and with the increase number of people suffering with anxiety, digestive disorders, Chronic fatigue syndrome and Inflammatory conditions, it is good to ask ourselves, are we in control of our life or is our life controlling us? I am sure you would agree that modern technology has been a great tool to make communication, education, research and development much more accessible to the average person.  We could also state that with supermarkets and [...]