Your Subconscious Mind Runs the Show

Hello! How is your week going?! We are currently in the middle of Mindful in May 2023. There have been amazing comments and feedback from the first FREE ONLINE workshop. If you haven't register yet, there's still time! Towards the end of this week, I will email out the REPLAY link and LIVE link for workshop 2. So please look out for that! Workshop 1 delved into our subconscious mind and how heavily involved it [...]

“How can I improve my Walking?”

Hello! How are you? How is your week going? xx Thank you for your wonderful messages. It has been fantastic hearing how The Somatic Movement & Mindset podcast has been helping you to unpack how your subconscious is patterning muscle tension and tone. Keep your comments flowing my way! I love hearing from you. xx Special event happening soon! Stay connected to The Somatic Movement & Mindset podcast because I will be announcing within the episodes a [...]

The difference between Total Somatics, Yoga & Pilates

Hello! How are you? If you joined me for The Total Somatics LIVE Experience, thank you for taking time out to learn what is really going on underneath your skin. Also learning and experiencing how you have the innate properties to create changes in the way your brain and body work with each other. It has been great to teach so many of you from around the world how to start reading the feedback from [...]

Assessing & Harnessing your Habits

Hello! How are you? I hope you are keeping safe and well. I would like to ask you a question about your day, today. Have you considered all the intricate details and actions you have created today to bring you to this very moment? Thankfully, we have areas of our amazing brain that will take good care of us and we don't have to consciously think about it, such as the beat of our heart, every [...]

How to be a Habit Breaker!

If you are a regular reader of my blogs, you will know I often discuss how we live the majority of our day unconsciously or subconsciously.  From driving to work and wondering how on earth we arrived, to questioning whether we switched the iron off or not before leaving the house!  We do things subconsciously all the time.  However, in this week’s blog we are going to consider how some of our habits can be drivers for keeping us [...]