Be a Circuit Breaker to Unhealthy Habits

Hello! How are you? xx I hope you are having a great week! The weeks are racing, and before we know it, we will say goodbye to 2024! This time of the year can be very stressful and, in many cases, lonely. So, over the next few weeks, my podcasts will highlight how we can care for ourselves during a very busy time. I have lots of announcements, and I will share them over the [...]

Calm Your Mind & Body: Protect & Nurture

Hello! I hope you had a lovely weekend! xx I am writing earlier than usual because I wanted to share my third resource for this 3 part podcast series. It has been great hearing from so many of you. Thank you for contacting me. xx LESS THAN A WEEK TO GO! It is less than a week to go before we connect online for the annual event, The Total Somatics LIVE Experience. It will be lovely [...]

Heidi Hadley’s TEDx Talk Has Been Released!

Hello! xx Guess What?! I am so excited to announce that my TEDx talk has been released! TEDx are excited for me to bring Pandiculation to the world. Please share my TEDx talk with as many people as possible! Please take a screenshot of my TEDx talk and share a takeaway point on your social media account with the hashtag, #PandiculationUnleashed I will periodically choose people that have share screen shots and used the hash tag #PandiculationUnleashed and offer you a [...]