Recalibrate, Reset & Reframe for 2021

Hello, how are you? Well, here we are, in 2021! As last week’s podcast highlighted, this time of the year people have resolutions to create a new start to the year. As I mentioned in last week’s podcast, when we switch our focus to FUNDAMENTAL INTENTION, this creates a whole different view on our health and wellbeing. To carry on the theme from last week’s podcast, Total Somatics has created a theme for this month within the fundamental intention of [...]

Moving forward in to 2021 with healthy intentions

Hello, how are you? I hope you are keeping safe and well. I am sure you would agree with me that 2020 has been a year that has thrown many challenges at us. As nauseating as the expression may be, it has certainly been and continues to be a character building, refining process for us all. It has opened and exposed us to many areas of our life. At times, creating opportunities for us to simplify our life and [...]