The Importance of a healthy posture

Hello, how are you? xx Where are the weeks going? The year is racing by! However, that is exciting in itself because very soon we can spend a whole month together, feeling the benefits of Clinical Somatic Movement. Look and listen out next week because I will let you know how you and I can work together during the month of September to release tight hips and ease back pain. I can't wait to [...]

Why your muscles feel chronically tight

Hello! How are you? xx How has your week been?Thank you for the most amazing questions and feedback in the last week. It has been wonderful. As a result of your brilliant questions I have created a two part podcast series to cover the question, "Why do my muscles feel chronically tight?" I have received this question in different forms and also the challenges you have faced trying to release chronically tight muscles. There are [...]

The Impact of Fear & Feedback on your Mind & Body

Hello! How are you? Have you had a good week? It has been an action packed week this end! As always, I have been seeing clients in clinic as well as being a guest speaker for workshops in the USA, UK, Australia, Singapore and Canada! It is so lovely to connect with people around the world and share the transformative effects of Total Somatic Movement, Mindset & Mindfulness. Within the membership, there have been amazing [...]

The difference between Total Somatics, Yoga & Pilates

Hello! How are you? If you joined me for The Total Somatics LIVE Experience, thank you for taking time out to learn what is really going on underneath your skin. Also learning and experiencing how you have the innate properties to create changes in the way your brain and body work with each other. It has been great to teach so many of you from around the world how to start reading the feedback from [...]

Learn How To Release Muscle Tension & Reduce Stress

Hello!  How are you?  I hope you are keeping well.  Have you had the opportunity to enjoy the FREE 3 part workshop series with me?  It is currently available on REPLAY.  The workshop series will be taken down from public viewing on 11.59pm Pacific time on Friday 8th October 2021.  It will then be uploaded to the ‘Recordings’ section within the membership for members to watch at their leisure. If you are reading this after Friday 8th October 2021 and [...]