The Power of Visualisation with Total Somatics

Hello! How are you? If you joined me during the month of September for the theme 'Release tight hips & back,' thank you for all your feedback and comments. I am still hearing from many of you. It has been so wonderful to hear how quickly the digital course has been releasing a large amount of back pain and hip discomfort. If you missed the month long theme, you will always have the opportunity to purchase [...]

How your Mindset filters your Perception

Hello! I hope you are having a great week xx We have just finished week 2 of 4 of our theme "Release tight hips & back with Clinical Somatic Movement" for Somatic in September. It has been fantastic seeing and hearing people's comments. Here are just a few lovely comments and it is great to hear people are already feeling the results: If you would like to join, you are still more than welcome to. The REPLAYS will be [...]

Addressing underlying issues to Hip & Shoulder pain

Hello! How has your week been? I hope you are well xx Thank you so much for your response to my recent post on The Total Somatics Facebook and Instagram pages. If you are not following my social media pages, you are welcome to find out more in between these blogs and podcasts. CLICK HERE to join Total Somatics on INSTAGRAM. CLICK HERE to join Total Somatics on FACEBOOK Within the post on Facebook and Instagram, I invited [...]

Dealing with Trauma

Hello! How are you? I can't believe it is February! Where did January go?!! Thank you for your amazing feedback from the FREE resources and the new digital course, Release Tight Hips & Back series. It is so wonderful and inspiring to hear how Total Somatic Movement, Mindset & Mindfulness are creating huge waves of change and improved quality of life. As you know, The Total Somatics ONLINE SHOP provides a variety of Total Somatic classes [...]

The Importance of Gratitude & Protecting your Energy

Hello! How are you feeling this week? I hope your first few days of this new month and year are going well xx. As we have many hopes and intentions for the year ahead, one thing we all want is a healthy and resilient mind/body to support us through this coming year. Part of our Total Somatic Health & Wellbeing involves noticing how our emotional wellbeing influences our posture and physiology. This is why I have created The [...]