The Power of Visualisation with Total Somatics

Hello! How are you? If you joined me during the month of September for the theme 'Release tight hips & back,' thank you for all your feedback and comments. I am still hearing from many of you. It has been so wonderful to hear how quickly the digital course has been releasing a large amount of back pain and hip discomfort. If you missed the month long theme, you will always have the opportunity to purchase [...]

Decode your Movement & Posture

Hello! How are you? Thank you so much for your lovely messages, It has been wonderful hearing from you. I am so pleased to hear how Mindful in May has already been providing some "eureka" or light bulb moments with your daily habits and activities. As always, if a question is stimulated from my videos, please reach out to me at I love hearing from you and answering your burning questions. Special announcement The Total [...]

Gain FOCUS & CLARITY with your Health & Wellbeing

Hello again!! I hope you have been enjoying this 3 part mini series. I love sharing how Total Somatics has been creating huge shifts and changes in people's lives around the world. Very soon, at 12.01am Melbourne/Sydney time on Saturday 20th November until Monday 22nd November 11.59pm Pacific time, I will be opening The Total Somatics Membership doors for the final time in 2021. If you have any questions you would like me to answer, CLICK HERE [...]