How to Live in the Moment with Somatics

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a brilliant week! As you know, I create weekly podcasts from your questions and also what I see within my clinical practice. So this week I decided to cover a question that has been appearing a lot recently. As you are aware, all around the world, the pandemic has impacted people in so many different ways. However, as we have almost experienced 2 years of uncertainty, [...]

Can Total Somatics help with Gut Issues?

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a good week. If you joined me LIVE or watched the REPLAY of the Q&A session, thank you for taking time out of your day to learn how Total Somatics and my ongoing support can help you with your wellbeing intentions and goals. If you missed the deadline for the membership, please leave you details on the WAIT LIST and next year when the doors open again, you [...]

How to Fully Release Muscle Tension with Somatics

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a brilliant week. I don't know where this year is going! It is racing by! As you may be aware if you follow me on Facebook or on Instagram, next week I am holding a mini video series which you can receive via email. This will accompany the membership doors opening from 20th-22nd November. On that weekend, I will be holding a LIVE Q&A session [...]

BONUS WEEK: Grit, Self Compassion & Total Somatics

Hello, how are you? I hope you are keeping well and have had a good week. This week I would like to create a BONUS BONANZA for you!! I have my podcast episode plus an additional podcast from a wonderful lady called Chazmith Newton. Podcast One In my podcast, I discuss how the two personality traits of Grit and Self Compassion are related. With the rollercoaster of emotions plus various types of stress and trials that we are all [...]

Special Offer until Monday 26th July 2021

Hello everyone! I hope you are all well and having a brilliant week! As I mentioned in my recent weekly blog, Total Somatics has a number of exciting things to announce! One piece of news I would like to announce in this extra special email to you today, is that until Monday 26th July 11.59pm Pacific Time, one of my 3 Part workshop series (over 5 hours of content) is available to purchase and keep permanently for only USD $47! [...]