Hello! How are you? xx I hope your week is going really well.
Thank you for your [...]
Hello! How are you? I hope amongst all the chaos, you are keeping well and resting. xx
As we [...]
Hello! xx How is your week going? I hope you are keeping well. xx
You may have seen my [...]
August 9, 2023 By Heidi Hadley Blog
back pain, FAQs, heidi hadley, membership, mindfulness, mindset, movement, muscle pain, muscle tension, PAIN, pandiculation, Podcast, posture, somatic movement, somatics, stress, stretching, total somatics, total somatics online shop, waitlist, you tube
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Have you ever felt so anxious, overwhelmed or annoyed that after the event you feel completely exhausted and your [...]
October 17, 2018 By Heidi Hadley Blog
back pain, mindfulness, mindset, negative emotions, online program, PAIN, repressed emotions, sleep, stress, subconscious
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Somatic Movement and Education continues to mushroom in popularity as an approach to reducing pain and improving mobility throughout [...]
August 7, 2019 By Heidi Hadley Blog
anxiety, brain, fight/flight/feign, habituation, homeostasis, mindfulness, nervous system, neuroscience, new format, rest & digest, soma, stretching, trauma
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Posture and pain often go hand in hand. In today’s blog we are going to consider what our posture [...]
July 31, 2019 By Heidi Hadley Blog
brain map, free ebook, habit, neurofeedback loop, pandiculation, posture, reflex, scoliosis, sensory motor cortex, software update, special offer, subconscious actions, subconscious behaviour
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Hello! How are you? xx
A huge thank you for all your amazing comments over the last few weeks, [...]
June 1, 2022 By Heidi Hadley Blog
100th podcast episode, energy, family time, happy chicks, heidi hadley, loretta hart, mindset, pandiculation, power, quality time, quantity time, rebekkah finnigan, slow down, smell the roses, somatic movement, total somatics
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The biggest question I am asked as a Clinical Somatic Educator and Somatic Movement teacher is “how can I [...]
Hello! How are you? How is your week going?
The weeks are flying by! Very soon [...]
October 18, 2023 By Heidi Hadley Blog
anxiety, brainz, clinical somatics, health, heidihadley, PAIN, pandiculation, questions, self fulfilling prophecy, soma, somatic, stress, total somatics, Total Somatics LIVE Experience, wellbeing, wellness
Comments Off on The Paradox of Self Fulfilling Prophecy
At some point in your life you will suffer with stress and anxiety. At times, events can be very [...]
July 24, 2019 By Heidi Hadley Blog
broca's area, dis-empowering beliefs, empowerment, free ebook, glucocorticoids, hippocampus, memory, mindfulness, neurogenesis, repressed emotion, speech, stress
Comments Off on How Stress impacts on your Mind and Body. How Somatics can help.