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The impact of Total Somatic Movement, Mindset & Mindfulness
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How to create Somatic Mindfulness in an ever changing world
I am sure you would agree with me that 2020 has certainly been a year of mixed emotions and [...]
What is Somatics? Frequently Asked Questions, ANSWERED!
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Pandiculation, Neuroplasticity & Nervous System Regulation
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FREE eBook, Somatics – What is it? How can it help me?
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How High Functioning Anxiety influences Health
Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a brilliant week. This week's podcast has been created [...]
Somatics, brain plasticity and visualisation
Today’s blog will consider how we can use neuroplasticity to work in harmony with our somatic movements and visualisation. If [...]
Learn to SLOW DOWN
Hello! How are you? xx A huge thank you for all your amazing comments over the last few weeks, [...]
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Hello! How are you? Thank you so much for your lovely messages, It has been wonderful hearing [...]
Why Releasing Rib Rigidity Eases Back Pain & Improves Movement
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