Retrain Your Brain

The information in this blog has been requested by clients who have enjoyed learning Somatics. They want to know more about the amazing effects and changes it creates to our entire muscular system. They have been impressed by the additional benefits they have discovered since practising the movements on a regular basis. It also offers an opportunity for others to learn about this fantastic modality. The programme Total Somatics offers is to help people reduce pain and regain range of [...]

Somatics and Muscle Behaviour

Somatic exercises deal with Sensory Motor Amnesia (SMA). Sensory Motor Amnesia is the root cause for most chronic muscular pain. It is where the brain has gone into autopilot and has simply forgotten how to switch the muscle(s) on and off at the appropriate time. SMA is created from habitual patterns such as years of sitting at a desk or nursing an injured limb, thus altering how we walk to protect it. This leads to a change in our [...]