FREE eBook, Somatics – What is it? How can it help me?

I have a very exciting announcement. Check out my video below and then read on to discover what I have prepared for you!

If you suffer with back pain, stiffness, aches, limited movement or your muscles cramp and spasm for no known reason, this eBook will give you the ability to find out how a movement technique know as Somatics can help improve your ability to move freely.

Imagine getting up each morning without your normal aches and pains. Imagine being able to move freely, to pursue normal activities with reduced or no pain and be thoroughly involved in your chosen sports or hobbies.

How do you get to this point of pursuing normal activities with reduced pain? I explain with research and real life examples how this movement technique can help you and has helped others to:

o Retrain the brain to communicate with muscles for correct movement
o Improve posture
o Reduce pain
o Increase mobility
o Prevent recurring injuries
o Increase the recovery and repair of your muscles, allowing you to move freely
o Empower you to take back control of your own health and well being.

Somatics is a gentle life changing program to keep your body supple, healthy, strong and moving freely, allowing you to enjoy and embrace your day to day activities and sports.

This eBook will give you the ability to find out how Somatics can help you improve your ability to move freely without the burden of aches and pains. Building Somatics into your life will allow you to pursue the activities you love and want to do. As a result, you will improve your quality of life.

It is available on Amazon and Kobo now at a price of US $0.99  or you can enter your email below for a free copy!

Thank you for your interest in Total Somatics and the great health benifits it can bring. Your Free Ebook will be emailed to you shortly.  Please add us to your email address book to ensure you recieve all the latest updates and when the membership is open again.  Add

Enjoy my eBook and don’t forget if you found it helpful, please give me 5 stars and a testimonial on the book store you downloaded it from.

Take care,
Heidi Hadley xx

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Comments (7)

  • Kate McMillan Reply

    Very interesting, looking forward to hearing and seeing more.

    September 17, 2018 at 3:19 pm
  • Susan Walter Reply

    Will this help with costochondritis

    January 6, 2021 at 9:02 am
    • Heidi Hadley Reply

      Hello Susan,

      Thank you for your email. I am sorry for the delayed reply, we have just returned from our holiday and the internet has been intermittent whilst we were away.

      Yes Somatics can help with costochrondritis because there is a strong connection between the cartilage/rib region and your muscles. There can often be chronically tight muscles holding rigidity through this region of your chest.

      Until the muscles know how to fully release (from the commands within a region of your brain that communicates to the sensory and motor nerves within the muscles in this area), your muscles will continue to stay chronically tight. A software reset (your brain) needs to occur to inform the sensory and motor nerves within your muscles to alter the length and tension within this region.
      In conjunction with this, hands on techniques with deep mindful somatic breathing helps to release other muscle groups which are instrumental in movement and rhythm within your torso.

      Within somatics, I encourage people to stand back and look at their entire body with soft eyes. Rather than focusing purely on one region, consider how other areas are impacted because your brain patterns muscle tension as a full body of contraction. As a result of this, there will be other regions affected by the rigidity and discomfort your are feeling within your rib cage/breastbone.

      I hope this has covered your question. If not, please let me know and I will elaborate further.

      Take care,
      Heidi Hadley

      January 10, 2021 at 10:18 pm
  • Pip Findlay Reply

    Thank you Heidi for your immense wisdom and for helping my community of mummas <3 Eternally grateful, you're such a wonderful person with such a heart for truly helping people. Loving the Tower Twist & finding calm with my deep somatic breathing thanks!

    March 27, 2021 at 8:59 pm
  • Bonnie Rubell Reply

    Hi Heidi,
    I am a yoga teacher with a very mild right scoliosis . I am doing yoga for Scoliosis ,Pilates and the Scorth Method with a PT. I love many of the Somatic movements . I do not feel comfortable with some .My PT discourages alll
    pandiculation .What do you think of my yoga practice and what are your feelings on the use of pandiculation on spinal curves . Thank you

    February 9, 2022 at 11:28 am
    • Heidi Hadley Reply

      Hello Bonnie,

      Thank you for your message. I am intrigued by your PT’s suggestion! I would love to know on a neuromyofascial and neuromuscular level why they discourage pandiculation over stretching. Very interesting! I have been working with clients with varying degrees of Scoliosis for years. Within my membership, I have a dedicated workshop discussion the supporting of spinal curves with pandiculation and which movements are best for scoliosis. As with many structural issues, people should always work with what they have. Not all somatic movements will suit everyone. That is why as individuals, it is best to work with what feels comfortable and in your case, what will support your curvature whilst re-educating your brain to muscle connection with pandiculation.

      Have you been watching my FREE video series? If not, sign up with this link and you will receive the emails during the week:

      As the episodes within my free video series continue, your PT may be interested to learn why pandiculation (alpha gamma coactivation) is much more effective for your muscles than stretching. Plus it improves muscle memory and power output by releasing from the belly of your muscles.
      From professional experience with clients over the years, the Schroth method is great for Scoliosis and work beautifully with pandiculation.
      Take care,
      Heidi Hadley

      February 27, 2022 at 9:51 pm
  • Elizabeth Hill Reply

    Can’t wait to try it, not as flexible as I was once and I’m eager to try it.

    May 3, 2024 at 12:58 am

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