Competitive Plasticity & Clinical Somatic Movement

Hello! How are you? xx It has been lovely welcoming new friends into the Total Somatics membership. We have had an action packed weekend within the membership! Thank you for all your lovely messages and comments. xx If you missed enrolment for the Total Somatics Membership, CLICK HERE to join the WAIT LIST. From time to time, we open the doors for 48 hours. So if you are on the WAITLIST, you will be notified immediately. Stay [...]

Pandiculation, Neuroplasticity & Nervous System Regulation

Hello! How are you? xx Are you ready to join me in September? Have you subscribed to the Somatic Movement & Mindset podcast channel on your preferred podcast platform? Have you subscribed to the Total Somatics' You Tube Channel? This weekend I will be releasing the first of many extended podcast episodes to delve into the annual event for Total Somatics, 'Somatic in September.' For many years I have held this event to allow us to [...]

The Power of Neuroplasticity with Total Somatics

Hello! How are you? I hope you are keeping well and having a great week! Only a few weeks to go until I hold the annual Total Somatics LIVE Experience from 4th-6th November 2022. It is FREE and accessible ONLINE with REPLAY available for a few days after the event. If you, your family and friends want to support each other with the 3 workshops, designed to teach you how to reduce pain, increase mobility, improve posture and [...]

Dealing with doubts & rumination with Sharon Eagen

Hello! How are you? xx Did you enjoy the 100th Somatic Movement & Mindset Podcast episode last week? Wasn't it an absolute gem?! xx TO WATCH the 100th podcast episode, CLICK HERE. TO LISTEN to the 100th podcast episode, CLICK HERE. One of the health experts within the 100th podcast episode was Sharon Eagen from The Cognitive Link and in this week's podcast episode, I interview Sharon. Recently Sharon held a workshop for the Total Somatics Membership [...]

What feeds you and what drains you?

Hello! How are you? I am so excited to be starting this special month with you. This month, Total Somatics is carrying the theme of 'Mindful in May.' Every year I love holding this theme in May because it provides a great way to reset and recalibrate for the second half of the year. To begin our theme, I would like to introduce you to Melanie Cool. She recently held a workshop for The Total Somatics members [...]