Mindful in May – Week 2

I hope you've had a good week. This week we are going to delve into another area of mindfulness. Check out my 1 minute video below to learn more. As an additional point, check out the big kangaroo in the background, he wasn’t too happy with me standing near his patch!! Task 2 - Mindful of Posture and Movement during your day. We are creatures of habit. We perform the same activities, day in and day out. Sometimes these habits can [...]

somatic sitting

Is sitting the new smoking?

In this week’s blog I am going to discuss how sitting for long periods of time can have a negative effect on your health.  We will consider the common statement made which is “sitting is the new smoking.” As the Founder and Somatics educator for www.TotalSomatics.com, I see many clients with back pain and limited movement due to their office jobs.  Many have invested in stand up desks to reduce being seated for hours on end.  This is a brilliant [...]