Somatic Movement is Medicine

In today’s blog we are going to consider why Somatic Movement is so beneficial for our Somatic (mind & body) health & well being. “The mind’s first step to self awareness must be through the body.” - Dr George A Sheehan How many times have you woken in the morning and taken your first few steps only to notice the level of tension you have in your body? Often we may notice the restriction in our movement and the level of pain [...]

visualisation techniques

Visualisation- Does it really work?

(Plus my own visualisation process to help you get started with yours)! Visualisation or motor planning is an expression I use and explain in detail with the Total Somatics online programme. It is a fundamental component to changing our neuroplasticity with somatics. We use visualisation to access a certain function or mode in the brain to bring the sequences to the forefront BEFORE we actually perform the movements. Neuroscience has clearly identified this as a key feature to how sports people [...]