Creating & Maintaining a Resilient Mindset

Hello! How are you? How is your week going? xx I have returned this week to seeing my clients in clinic after our holidays. It is great to get back into the rhythm of serving clients in person and also online. If you are within The Total Somatics Membership, I look forward to our upcoming workshop in which I will delve in to the glutes, hips and lower back in greater detail. You would have [...]

How Mindset plays a Pivotal Role in your Life

Hello, how have you been keeping during the last week?  With just over a week left for this year, one area of our life we have all had great experience with in 2020, is our mindset.  As we end this year and start 2021 with an awareness of what this coming year may have in store, it allows us to start focusing on our mindset.  When we consider the power of our mindset, we realise it is critical to [...]

How Mindful Somatic Movement influences your Nervous System

I have received lovely emails and feedback recently from readers around the world about my blogs. They have loved hearing about the brain and how somatics supports various areas of their Central Nervous System. So today we are going to look at an area I have often referred to in previous blogs, The Limbic System. The Limbic system is the part of the brain involved with behavioural and emotional responses. It is involved with survival such as feeding, reproducing, caring [...]

Week 1 – Somatic In September

What it means to be Somatic & how it can help with Pain and Limited Mobility During September I will be teaching you how we can be somatic during this month and beyond. Allow me to explain what we will be discussing this week in the following video.... Developing Somatic awareness Firstly, what does it mean to be “Somatic” or “Somatically aware?” To be “Somatic” means to be able to observe, sense and feel our internal sensations. When we become “Somatically aware” we are able [...]

Do You REALLY have control of your health, well being and life?

We live in a very busy world and with the increase number of people suffering with anxiety, digestive disorders, Chronic fatigue syndrome and Inflammatory conditions, it is good to ask ourselves, are we in control of our life or is our life controlling us? I am sure you would agree that modern technology has been a great tool to make communication, education, research and development much more accessible to the average person.  We could also state that with supermarkets and [...]