Do You REALLY have control of your health, well being and life?

We live in a very busy world and with the increase number of people suffering with anxiety, digestive disorders, Chronic fatigue syndrome and Inflammatory conditions, it is good to ask ourselves, are we in control of our life or is our life controlling us? I am sure you would agree that modern technology has been a great tool to make communication, education, research and development much more accessible to the average person. We could also state that with supermarkets and [...]

Part 1 – Somatics and Mindful practise

How Mindfulness and Somatics has helped me When we develop mindfulness, we switch our focus from a “doing” state to a “being” state. This results in a greater awareness and focus in to what we do, think, say and our intentions. Somatics involves reeducation of the muscles so they can move freely and under our conscious control. This is in contrast to the poor habitual neuromuscular patterns which affect our movement, postures, thoughts, intention and actions; heavily influenced by our [...]