How Gratitude Influences your Brain

Hello! How are you? How is your week going? I hope you are well. xx Thank you for all your wonderful comments and questions. Your questions are so helpful because it allows me to consider how I can serve you further. As a result of many of your questions, I will be producing a very special product for you. I will start filming in the coming weeks and will let you know more when [...]

The Paradox of Self Fulfilling Prophecy

Hello! How are you? How is your week going? The weeks are flying by! Very soon I will be holding the annual Total Somatics LIVE Experience. I hope you can join me. Please send your questions to me and I will include them in the LIVE experience. Please send your questions for The Total Somatics LIVE Experience to Please label the email with "LIVE experience question" so the team can pass [...]

Total Somatics & Brainz Magazine

Hello! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! xx If you follow me on social media, you would have heard my announcement yesterday. However, I wanted to share my exciting news with you all this way. Recently I was invited to be an Executive Contributor for Brainz magazine within my field of expertise. They have been following me online for some time and said they enjoy my content and delivery. I wholeheartedly accepted! Have you heard of [...]

Managing Your Wellbeing During A Major Personal Health Crisis

Hello! How are you? xx I hope you are enjoying the weekly podcast content for this year's Somatic in September. Have you enjoyed the 2 FREE RESOURCES which I shared with you in WEEK 1? I have had some wonderful feedback and many have found it has become part of their daily wellbeing routine. That's fantastic news! If you are interested in joining The Total Somatics Membership, LISTEN OR WATCH THE FINAL PODCAST EPISODE OF THIS SERIES (released in [...]

Exploring The Emotion of Guilt Somatically

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a lovely week and have been enjoying my podcast series over the last few weeks. Thank you for all your wonderful comments, feedback and 'ah ha' moments from what I have been discussing within the episodes. Many of you have asked about the Total Somatics Membership. Periodically, I open registration for the Total Somatics Membership. So if you have been wanting to develop strategies to reduce pain, increase mobility, improve [...]