Epigenetics – you are in the driving seat!

Hello, how are you?  I hope you are keeping well.  This week I would like to ask you, do you think you can change your genes?  Do you think your genetics and family history are “set in stone?”  In this week’s blog I would like to provide a podcast to explain how your genes are not your destiny!  The science of epigenetics has also made it clear that there are two mechanisms by which organisms pass on hereditary information, [...]

Do You REALLY have control of your health, well being and life?

We live in a very busy world and with the increase number of people suffering with anxiety, digestive disorders, Chronic fatigue syndrome and Inflammatory conditions, it is good to ask ourselves, are we in control of our life or is our life controlling us? I am sure you would agree that modern technology has been a great tool to make communication, education, research and development much more accessible to the average person.  We could also state that with supermarkets and [...]

FREE eBook, Somatics – What is it? How can it help me?

I have a very exciting announcement. Check out my video below and then read on to discover what I have prepared for you! https://youtu.be/AL1AKGU1X-s If you suffer with back pain, stiffness, aches, limited movement or your muscles cramp and spasm for no known reason, this eBook will give you the ability to find out how a movement technique know as Somatics can help improve your ability to move freely. Imagine getting up each morning without your normal aches and pains. Imagine being [...]

What is the difference between Stretching and Pandiculation?

Pandiculation and stretching are very different.  In today’s blog I am going to discuss the differences between the two and provide a very interesting video to show the science behind pandiculation and why it is a much more intelligent process to release and lengthen chronically tight muscles. When I teach pandiculation to clients, they look intrigued how such small intricate movements can have such a profound effect on muscles.  We live in an era where the expression “No pain, No gain” or [...]