Self management of Chronic pain

From time to time we may suffer with pain.  But for some, pain is a daily issue which can overwhelm and restrict their quality of life.  Chronic pain can last way beyond the expected time for healing and repair following surgery or a trauma.  To deal with chronic pain certain pharmaceutical drugs such as codeine or other opioids are administered.  Research by DC Turk on ‘the clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of treatments for patients in chronic pain’ revealed [...]

mindful somatics

Somatics, brain plasticity and visualisation

Today’s blog will consider how we can use neuroplasticity to work in harmony with our somatic movements and visualisation. If you attend my classes either in person or through the Mindfulness with Total Somatics online programs, you will know that I often discuss these three subjects and highlight how we actively work on them everyday. Sometimes when we are new to somatics, want to create differentiation to the brain (eg, change the speed of our movements) or suffer with chronic pain, [...]

Good Fats and brain health

Over the years we have been told to reduce our fat intake from foods.  But not all fat is bad.  There are certain foods very high in fat which is good for our body and in particular our brain.  What are these foods?  What kind of fat is good? Omega -3 fatty acids contain DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) and are what our brain uses to build and continue to maintain its structure.  DHA can be synthesised when we consume foods containing [...]

somatics mind

If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it!

The expression “if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it” is very true in many areas of life, but today we are going to discuss your brain and how you can make it grow in size and activity.   For many of my clients online or in person, you are aware that we always start our somatics practice with a soma or body scan.  Why?  What is the relevance for this?  Is it really necessary?  Can we just skip the scan [...]