How to Recharge & Recalibrate

Hello! How are you? xx I hope you have been well. It has been lovely hearing from many of you regarding my upcoming FREE ONLINE event with The Shift Network. The Shift Network has invited me to be part of their teaching faculty. I feel very honoured to be asked. So this week's FREE ONLINE event is a way for people to get to know me, as a new member of their teaching faculty. [...]

Flexibility In Your Nervous System

Hello! xx I hope you had a great week and are looking forward to (hopefully) a restful weekend! xx I have two special announcements! First, you may be aware that in January I will be holding a FREE ONLINE event. If you would like to learn more and register to receive more details closer to the date, CLICK HERE. The second announcement is, that I have opened the membership doors for a few days. The membership doors [...]

Protect Your Body from Chronic Stress

Hello! How are you? I hope you are keeping well. xx Before I share my podcast for this week, I would like to invite you to a FREE ONLINE event I am holding in the new year. To learn more and register, CLICK HERE. I HAVE A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT THIS WEEKEND. PLEASE LOOK OUT FOR AN ANNOUNCEMENT IN MY NEXT PODCAST. Continue Learning with the Total Somatics To delve deeper into Clinical Somatic Movement, I open the Total Somatics Membership doors [...]

Nervous System Regulation & Nature

Hello! How is the start of 2024 going for you? xx I know from my end, after a lovely summer holiday, it then turned dramatically. It has been one of the most stressful and traumatic periods of my life. However, things are starting to turn a positive corner and in time, I will share more. xx One thing I can assure you is that I have applied many of the Total Somatics Nervous System regulation strategies that I [...]

Your Brain Is Physically Connected To Your Immune System

Hello! How are you? xx Thank you for all your comments and feedback. I have had some great questions, so look out in the upcoming podcast episodes because I will be answering your questions. I have included extracts from within the Total Somatics membership to cover them. Keep your questions flowing, it is really good to hear from you. Within this week's podcast, I refer to the 3 part workshop within the Total Somatics Online Shop. [...]