Menopause Uncovered: Reclaiming Confidence, Health & Vitality

Hello! How are you? xx Latest news! It has been fantastic sharing Clinical Somatic Movement, Mindset and Mindfulness to people globally with The Shift Network. I am currently holding a 7 week course on Mindful Somatics & Neuroplasticity. After the first Somatic movement session, people were amazed at the improved changes in pain level and movement. If you would like to join my 7-week course, you will have access to the weeks that you have missed. There is [...]

How to improve Posture

In this week’s blog we are going to look at how we can improve posture. With permission from my clients, I will also show you posture photos of clients before and after somatic movement, so you can see the huge shifts in muscle tension and structure. Getting to the Root Cause For years we have been encouraged to stretch out muscle tension. We have been encouraged to use hard foam rollers to roll on tight muscles or stretch our chest muscles [...]

Finding light at the end of the tunnel.

Learn how to become Pro-active in the area of stress and anxiety.  In today’s blog we are going to delve in to the subject of anxiety, depression and stress.  We will consider triggers and long held beliefs which may affect one’s mental and physical health.  We will then look to see how we can be pro-active with an epidemic which appears to be increasing each year. The Statistics According to a study conducted by the World Health Organisation, 300 million people [...]