Are you in pain? Do you feel stressed or overwhelmed by all the ‘advice’ out there? Let me help bring focus & clarity to you with SUPPORT.

Total Somatics' Mindful in May -WEEK 4 Goodness me!  Where has this month gone?  I hope you have enjoyed implementing knowledge with skills to start increasing your awareness or mindfulness to how you operate, either with movement, mindset, habits and/or behaviour.  It is amazing to realise that most of the time we operate subconsciously, so many of your actions become second nature and you don’t realise you are living out of habit, rather than with focus and intention.  That is [...]

Are you stuck in a rut? Are your habits holding you back? Let me show you HOW that can change for YOU.

Total Somatics' Mindful in May - WEEK 3 Hello, how are you keeping?  I hope you have had a good week and feeling the benefits of week one’s mindful breathing practice (plus an additional practice for members) and also for the Tower Twist movement last week. Regarding last week, did you as a member of Total Somatics online find watching the recorded live workshop from Saturday 2nd May 2020 helpful to recap over?  Were there some take away points that I [...]

Want to reduce & stop recurring pain? I’ll show you HOW.

Total Somatics' Mindful in May - WEEK 2 Hello, how have you been during the last week?  I hope you enjoyed developing a focus towards creating time for yourself and noticing that when you begin to slow down and notice the subtle feedback from your body, that you can make changes, which create huge shifts in how your mind and body benefit.  By improving the amount of fresh oxygen into your tissues with a daily Total Somatics breathing practice, you [...]

Total Somatics’ Mindful in May – WEEK 1

Wow!  It’s that time of year for Total Somatics’ Mindful in May series.  Each week I will drop you a video with different aspects of Total Somatics’ Mindful in May.  Check out the video below and then enjoy the material to support you during this week. So when we are anxious, fearful, in pain and feeling overwhelmed for different reasons, we can sense signs from within that tell us we are living in a hyper sensitive state.  However, sometimes when [...]