Total Somatics’ Mindful in May – WEEK 1
Wow! It’s that time of year for Total Somatics’ Mindful in May series. Each week I will drop you a video with different aspects of Total Somatics’ Mindful in May. Check out the video below and then enjoy the material to support you during this week.
So when we are anxious, fearful, in pain and feeling overwhelmed for different reasons, we can sense signs from within that tell us we are living in a hyper sensitive state. However, sometimes when we are incredibly stressed, in pain and feeling overwhelmed, we can live in a reactive mindset. This mindset is designed for safety and survival, it is not for every day long term activity. So as a result, we can start to become unaware of what is happening within our body. When you start to slow your central nervous system down, you to silent the noise and chaos that is around you and begin noticing the subtle feedback from your body. This feedback can include the depth and speed of your breath. It can include how you feel within certain regions of your body. Developing a daily routine to reset your entire mind and body (like you would do with electronic devices), allows for a refreshed, recalibrated and recharged mind and body.
To support you with your Total Somatics’ Mindful in May practice for this week, could you create a 10 minute window once or twice a day to allow your mind and body to recalibrate, refresh and recharge? Allow me to support you with your focus by listening to the audio below. You will be amazed how this allows even areas of pain and discomfort to ease. When your nervous system is less hypersensitive, you will start to notice other areas of your body begin to actually release. You will notice how you can let go of tension that doesn’t need to be held when your muscles are not requiring them to be contracted.
Member’s Link:
If you are a Member of Total Somatics, GO TO PART 1, WEEK 3 to access an additional mindful breathing audio that will help support you during this week’s Total Somatics’ Mindful in May series.
Let me know how you go during this week by keeping in touch via email at or via Facebook or Instagram
Take care,
Heidi Hadley xx