Muscle Memory, Somatics and Stretching

In this week’s blog I will be discussing what muscle memory is and how Somatics is a much more efficient way to release tight and tense muscles than stretching. Mindfulness with Total Somatics centres around releasing chronically tight muscles, reducing pain, improving mobility and providing skills to empower and educate you to take back control of you health and well being. Mindfulness with Total Somatics ( works at changing muscle memory. What exactly is muscle memory? To begin with, there’s no [...]

How is your posture?

In this blog we are going to explore the subject of posture and biomechanics. Total Somatics has a weekly ‘Mindful in May’ video series on Facebook (which can also be found after May 2017 on the Total Somatics You Tube channel). This week the Total Somatics Facebook video discusses mindfulness with our posture and biomechanics. So let’s start by looking at our posture. The main part of our anatomy which influences our posture is the spinal column. When viewed from [...]

Somatics: Brain training to reduce stress, anxiety, pain and move freely

From studying Thomas Hanna’s work we are able to gain a deeper level of understanding around the amazing yet complex Human mind and body, which Thomas refers to as the SOMA. Thomas Hanna refers to their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and well being as their SOMA. The word Soma comes from the Greek word meaning the body, which is inclusive of the soul, mind and psyche. The purpose of Somatics is to create movement integration back into the [...]